Dr. Kelly Yingxian Chen

Research Associate



Kelly, Yingxian obtained her MChem chemistry degree at the University of Manchester, UK, in 2017. Under the supervision of Professor Gareth Morris, she assisted in developing better pure shift methods that allow ultraclean NMR spectra with suppressed periodic artefacts in her master project. After graduation, she joined the nanomedicine lab in April 2018 as a PhD student funded by EPSRC at Graphene Nownano Centre for Doctoral Training. Her PhD project focused on understanding the dynamic interactions of graphene-based materials with mammalian cells, supervised by Dr Sandra Vranic and Professor Kostas Kostarelos. After completing her PhD in 2022, she stayed in the Nanomedicine lab (Nano-Cell Biology team) as a postdoctoral research associate to continue pursuing her passion for science, where she will primarily focus on using advanced in vitro models for nanomaterials testing.