Dr. Glòria Garcia Ortega
Postdoctoral Researcher
Glòria obtained her BSc degree in Chemistry specialised in Chemistry of Materials at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Her final bachelor’s project was devoted to the production and characterisation of oxide nanoparticles. In 2017 she obtained her MSc in Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research, at UAB. Her project and internship were conducted in the frame of Eurotapes Project and OXOLUTIA S.L. at ICMAB, synthesising several perovskite-like nanoparticles to produce superconducting nanocomposites.
She obtained a PhD in Chemistry in July 2022 at UAB with a thesis on the synthesis of surface-active ligands for the further preparation of Pt-based metallo-surfactants and their interactions with biomolecules. She attempted the incorporation of these metallosurfactants into metal-containing liposomes – called metallosomes – as anticancer agents. She conducted an internship stay at the Luciani Research Group, University of Bern, Switzerland where she characterised the prepared metallosomes.
Glòria joined the Nanomedicine Lab in September 2022 as a Postdoctoral Researcher funded by the EU Graphene Flagship project. Since September 2023 she is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Graphene Bioconjugate Chemistry and her research is focused on the development of bio-conjugated graphene oxide materials for biomedical applications.